As I’ll be putting together syllabi in the next couple weeks, I recently read this interesting article by Dr. Maryellen Weimer on the issue of makeup exam policies.
Here are the policies I've used in recent years for exams and quizzes.
Exams: There will be three (3) examinations, including a comprehensive final, and all exams will cover the text chapters, assigned readings, lecture notes and class discussion. It is important that you take the exams at the assigned time. If you have to miss an exam, you must contact your professor prior to that class period (either by phone or email). Make-up exams must be completed within one week at the professor’s convenience.
Deadlines for Papers & Projects: Completing projects and assignments on time is an expectation for professionals in the business world. Assignments will be due at the beginning of class. Quizzes and application papers will not be accepted late (Please don’t even ask). Major assignments will be penalized by one letter grade per day that it is late.
I'm wondering how others are handling these issues?