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Ray Tolley

Dear Dr Kirk,
Thank you for pointing up the LaGuardia document a most comprehensive statement of the mainly HE position.

However, as usual, the writers appear to see no further than their own silo, ignoring the fact that e-Portfolios are being steadily introduced into mainstream education.

There is, I suspect, another issue, that of the institutionalisation of the e-Portfolio. If the e-Portfolio is to be truly 'learner-owned' it should be held independently of an institution's teaching programme. As I often say, here in the UK, "Let the VLE do what it does best, and leave the e-Portfolio to do what it can best do." There is a serious problem about over-ladening an e-Portfolio with content, assessment tools etc which are all better placed within the VLE. This leaves the learner to populate their e-Portfolio with just those things that best represent themselves.

As you may guess, I am particular interested in the use of e-Portfolios in mainstream education and just wonder whether some of the more complex e-Portfolio systems available could ever be adopted by the younger learner, the less able, the elderly or those with specific learning disabilities.

I could go on, but present may of these ideas or arguments within my blog at:

Kind Regards,
Ray T

Dr. Delaney Kirk

Thanks for the observations and links. I have to admit I'm not that familiar with e-portfolios myself but see this as a great teaching and learning tool. Your blog is very informative. Thanks for commenting.

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