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Sherman Dorn

Great list! I also very much appreciate the balance evident here; we have the obligation to sell a course (or, rather, sell engagement in the course as well as explain expectations). I have known some faculty who are either on the edge or on the wrong side of the line between being honest, on the one hand, and trying to scare students out of the class, on the other. My way of putting the issue generally runs as follows: "You need to balance your obligations, now, at the beginning of the semester. If you think about your work, your classes, your family, or other obligations, and it doesn't fit into the hours available this semester, drop something. Don't drop this course--stay here! But figure out how to make it fit."

Dr. Delaney Kirk

Thanks, Sherman. I find students do best if they know the expectations up front-your approach works for this!

How are things at USF-St Pete? Don't know if you know but I'm in my 3rd year at USF-Sarasota. Not teaching the Labor Relations class here though...

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