Professor Joe Hoyle recently gave a "last lecture" at the University of Richmond to over 500 attendees as part of their new speaker series based on the book “The Last Lecture,” written by Randy Pausch. He was chosen for this honor by majority vote from the students.
In an email I received from Joe, he states that, "As much as I possibly could, I tried to make it a celebration of my former students but maybe more importantly a celebration of the glories and wonders of being a teacher. I have always thought it was the most wonderful profession in the world and I really wanted to convey that message."
In his lecture, Joe used a quote by William Faulkner as his inspiration to being a better teacher:
Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
Watch the video of Professor Hoyle's speech here:
Congratulations, Joe. You're an inspiration to us all! Let me know the next time you're in Tampa and I'll buy you a drink to celebrate.