My students and colleagues all know that I love shoes. One of my current MBA students sent me this link; I could spend hours looking at all the choices...
A colleague of mine at the University of South Florida-Sarasota sent me this article from the Wall Street Journal on shoes. The author is bemoaning the fact that she has gotten too old to wear high heels to work. As she notes:
Our shoes define us in a way that other apparel does not.
Our language acknowledges this truth by constantly using shoes as a metaphor. If we can "fill someone's shoes" we are up to the job. If we can "walk in someone else's shoes" we are empathetic. We allude to "old shoes" to evoke a comfort level.
Shoes are also a metaphor for power -- consider Dorothy's gleaming ruby slippers in "The Wizard of Oz." Without them she could have never gone home.
My friend and former Drake colleague, Timothy Johnson, once wrote a poem about my shoes...
Angela Maiers is also a shoe fan.
From the movie, American President...
Lucy: Just be yourself.
President Andrew Shepherd: Be myself.
Lucy: Yeah, and compliment her shoes. Girls like that.
As Cinderella said, "One shoe can change your life."
Anyone else have a good shoe quote?