I received this email from a student who is signed up for one of my classes next semester. The class meets from 6:00-8:50pm on Thursday nights.
Dear Dr. Kirk,
Can you please let me know if this is a lecture class and if you keep students until 8:50pm? I am registered, but am concerned about the drive because I work/live in <next town which is 15 miles away>
Thank you,
So essentially she's telling me that she is hoping I don't give her full value for her money...I wonder if she would ask her new boss if she needed to work the full eight hours a day as scheduled?
I'm interested in how others reply when you receive a question like this...
I like to teach but have no formal teaching training. Fortunately I have the opportunity to pair my desire to teach with students desire to learn "real world" business as an adjunct for DMACC. Early on I learned that students are willing to exert more effort to cut angles on an assignment than the assignment would take.
My response to your student would be:
Yes, I intend to keep you in class for the full time allotted. As the semester is still some time away, I am impressed with your organization and ability to foresee a potential problem before it occurs. I will look forward to working with you. If you exert the same effort in class as you demonstrate before class you will do wonderfully.
You have either set a high standard for this student or there will be one more seat available for a serious student.
Art Dinkin
Posted by: Art Dinkin | June 11, 2007 at 11:24 PM
I don't teach but I've taken plenty of classes. Here's how I'd answer -
The class begins at 6:00 and is over at 8:50. We fill the lecture with both new information and some review. If that does not work for your schedule you might consider another elective. I feel allowing the full time of the class is best for me and all students.
This assumes it is the way you feel Dr. Kirk
Posted by: Bob Glaza | June 12, 2007 at 02:41 AM
Thanks Bob and Art,
These are great responses...assert to the student that you are taking class seriously and let the student decide whether to take the class.
Posted by: Dr. Delaney Kirk | June 12, 2007 at 09:17 AM
Shalom Dr. Kirk,
My impression is that this person is not a student, but rather a person wishing to get their ticket punched so as to obtain some other goal such as a pay raise related to obtaining certain credentials.
They have no real interest in what you teach, only in your authorization to grant, at least in some part, that credential.
Posted by: Jeff Hess | June 13, 2007 at 08:45 AM
Thanks Jeff for your comment...definitely probably not going to be my strongest student in the class!
Posted by: Delaney Kirk | June 14, 2007 at 03:53 PM